The Jester awaited the Reaper's visit as they sat chained in the King's dungeon, but not so soon. The cloaked figure stood above them in their cell, cloak billowing in non-existent wind, their skull face staring down at them with empty eyes. Their scythe gleamed in the moonlight from the window above.

The Jester's mask was an unchanging smile. "I was hoping I might challenge you before you take my life," they said.

The Reaper was used to bargains from the soon-to-be dead. The Jester's voice was strangely calm, not the desperate plea he usually encountered. He responded not cruelly, but indifferent, "Death is not a force you can cheat. Nor am I a devil who has use for your soul."

"Who said anything about cheating? I only wish to challenge you..." The Jester took out a synth keyboard--not exactly a sight usually seen in this pseudo-medieval fantasy type world--that supplied any sound they needed: the soft sines, the bold squares, the mellow tris, and the harsh saws, "In a battle of music. Nothing to be said about my fate, or my soul. I had heard you were quite the skilled musician yourself."

The Reaper's skull face glared down, unchanging as ever. Then, he pulled from his robes a crimson-red bass guitar, the sound deep and dark like the Death he served, "Let us play."

Meet the Members

Cyan takes the role of the Jester, taking the lead with silly synths with chiptune influences. Tamaki plays Reaper, adding mellow bass lines with his death-defying bass guitar. Together, they are Tragedy + Comedy. They use their musical powers to fight ghosts, demons, their worst fears--anything supernatural that comes their way. And usually, their songwriting sessions are plagued by many supernatural intrusions.

Cyan Tamaki


During the lunch hour in their last years of school, Tamaki and Cyan spent their days biding time in the music classroom, instead of worrying about college applications or resumes. As Tamaki tried to pick up bass, Cyan joined him on the piano.

It was Cyan who suggested they start a band together, though their statement was hardly serious. Yet hearing them say it, Tamaki thought they ought to try. So, instead of worrying about homework or the future, they took to designing personas for themself. Tamaki became Reaper, the symbol of death. Cyan became their unlikely companion, the foolish Jester. Thus, the unusual pair would become Tragedy + Comedy, a name which Tamaki wasn't too keen on until Cyan pointed out that it shared their initials.

Despite all odds, the pair graduated high school and, with nothing better to do with their summer, continued practicing and composing music together. The beginnings of their album started in Tamaki's garage and came together in bits and pieces. That was when the band would have their first encounter with the supernatural, and it would not be the last...

Songs and Demos

Desert Sunset (Cyan's)

CYAN: Just a little song I wrote about the desert. I think there's a lot under apperciated beauty there. Driving down the road at night... it has a strange feeling to it.

Lights (Tamaki's)

TAMAKI: Um...I wrote this one back in winter. It was weirdly cold that night; 50 degrees. I guess I was just thinking about a lot of things in life. I don't know.

CYAN: I like the wobbly synthy sounding thingy!

TAMAKI: I thought you would. I was actually thinking it sounded like something you would do.


CYAN: We're still working on this one but I think it's shaping up to be our best song yet! B)

TAMAKI: It's pretty good. It's not as complicated as your other tracks. Um, not that there's anything wrong with your others, but... um...

CYAN: It's more mature, right?

TAMAKI: Yeah, something like that.
